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How To Introduce a Rooster To A New Flock Of Hens!
Introducing a NEW ROOSTER to the Flock...Johnny CASH Ain't Havin' IT!
Introducing new rooster to the flock
Introducing a New Rooster into the Flock
Introducing our new rooster to a flock of hens!
Introducing a New Rooster to The Flock
Introducing A Rooster To An Established Flock - Hens Bullying Rooster - Backyard Chickens
Watch This BEFORE Adding More Chickens - How To Introduce NEW CHICKENS To Your Flock
Introducing New CHICKENS To Our Existing Flock (Using Two Methods)
COCK FIGHT!! The Issues with introducing new roosters to an established flock
How to introduce a new Rooster to your flock.
Introducing new rooster to the flock